Saturday, 17 March 2012


Welcome to Marmoset Games by Mario Mluigifish, co-founder and creator of Mluigi Blog! I am starting up my own blog for now, for reasons that I do not need to say. Some of you may know me from Mluigifish, but others may be completely new to the Mluigifish group. If you are new, spend a few minutes checking out Mluigi Blog from the link here
I shall not only be posting game reviews and game play-throughs, but music, gadgets and more! For now I shall only focus on games, for that is what I specialize in. I have a YouTube account set up for Marmoset Games which you can get to from this link. If you have a Google Account or a G-Mail account, please could you follow Marmoset Gaming and post a comment! I will depend on support from you, my viewers. That's all for now, hopefully I shall have a review or something up soon, so keep updated to Marmoset Gaming and the YouTube by Following the blog and Subscribing to the YouTube. Facebook and Twitter will be out soon, so keep tuned for more!

 - Mario Mluigifish - Co-founder and creator of Mluigi Blog and Marmoset Gaming/Games

"An error occurred?!" - Mario Mluigifish  

YouTube -
Mluigi Blog -
Facebook - coming soon
Twitter - coming soon